IPv6 Multicast – Purposes for Interface-Local Scope


On an IPv6 multicast packet, the last nibble of the first hextet represents the Scope of the packet. This defines effectively how far you want your multicast packet to travel.

The address makeup is as follows:

|   8    |  4 |  4 |              112 bits               |
|11111111|flgs|scop|              group ID               |

The "scop" bits can have any of the following values:

1  Interface-Local scope
2  Link-Local scope
4  Admin-Local scope
5  Site-Local scope
8  Organization-Local scope
E  Global scope

(all others are reserved / not in use)

My question is specifically surrendering the "Interface-Local" scope. I understand academically what it means, the multicast packet travels only so far as the local interface (aka, doesn't actually hit the wire). But practically, what are some use cases for the Interface-Local scope?

Best Answer

Node-local scope is mostly useful for inter-process communication. The sender and receiver can be different processes on the same node.

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