Is it possible to set up (geographic) anycast on the Internet


The top level DNS-servers use geographic anycast. Is it possible to set up geographic anycast on your own (DNS) servers on the Internet? The top level DNS-servers use geographic anycast. Is this set up in the routing tables in all internet "nodes"? Is it possible to implement anycast to do geographic load balancing?

For instance, if you own an IP-address, you can set up for example nginx on this server to do load balancing on a local server farm. Then nginx does all the communication with the client. However, what if you want to have multiple data centers located around the world? I want to set up servers at multiple locations to minimize latency.

You can also set up a DNS-server returning IPs based on the requester's location. This would enable geographic load balancing. However, what happens if this DNS-server is slowed down because of much traffic? Is it possible to load balance these DNS servers?

Best Answer

Yes, it's possible. But you would have to advertise a /24 network (or larger), based on current Internet routing policies. So if your name server IP was, you would have to advertise from each of your locations. The rest of the addresses in that subnet would be, practically speaking, wasted. You also would have to have your own provider-independent address space, which is not easy to come by, especially on IPv4.

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