Juniper EX – disable multiple interfaces at the same time as a once off


I have used the Cisco interface range commands on many occasions to disable a large number of switching ports when the device is originally deployed as a once off and am looking for something similar in Junos.

I don't want to use apply-groups or the juniper interface-range command set as there changes are permanent and to be honest it would confuse the Tier-1 / Tier 2 staff , aka inherited config is hidden by default and therefore will likely get missed when troubleshooting.

I am just looking for verification that there is no way to do this natively before I look at using slax to create a custom command.

Best Answer

I don't think it's supported natively.

Fortunately you don't need to create the SLAX script yourself, as such script already exists. Essentially you configure normal interface-range, but upon commit its content is expanded to the real interfaces and the interface-range config is removed, creating approximation of the IOS behavior.