Leased Lines vs. Bonded DSL – ADSL Comparison Guide


first of all this is my first post on this forum however I got quite a lot of very helpful information from here in the past.

My company is operating in travel business and the at the moment we really struggle to meet our guests internet demands. We upgraded our connections to bonded DSL to gain more bandwidth however it is still not enough.

As fibre is not available in the areas of our estate at the moment, we are looking into installing Leased Lines.

Our current supplier was unable to provide us with impartial info if it is going to take major improvement on the speed( they just want to sale more…). Since there is a massive hike in pricing costs I need to understand if it is going to improve speed of connection.
Selling points like SLA are great but in the past we did not have downtime issues so it is hard to justify the costs.

Any input or experience in difference of speed between bonded DSL and Leased Lines greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You need to check a few things;

  1. DSL is an aggregation technology which is normally on 'shared' media (you will be sharing with other, both the media to the point of presence and aggregation devices such as DSLAM, LNS so there is always potential for oversubscription.

  2. It will also depend on latency, you need to ask the carrier for latency numbers for the leased line and test this against your DSL links. (Leased line should be better) however remember if latency is high no matter how much Mb (bandwidth) you purchase your download speeds will be limited;

    Bandwidth-in-bits-per-second * Round-trip-latency-in-seconds = TCP window size in bits / 8 = TCP window size in bytes example below;

    RTT is 20 ms, and connection speed is 10Mbps.

    2 x (10Mbps/8 * .020s) = 50Kbytes (using standard window size of 64K)

  3. Maybe you should look at using QoS effectively to limit wasting bandwidth

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