How to Extend a Fiber Network


The cable in this image:

enter image description here

is 75ft and is for my ISP. I'd like to replace it with one that is 2,000ft and run it buried outside to give internet connectivity to another building on my property. I've figured out that it is a SC/APC connector, but I have some other questions on which I'd really appreciate some insight:

  1. Do I want single or multi-mode?
  2. Does anyone know of another place
    to buy a 2,000ft SC connector fiber cable other than a custom built
    one at Custom Cable?

Thank you!

Best Answer

First off, you need two of those at each end, one for each direction. Second, it looks more like SC/PC to me, not SC/APC.

If you want to just plug in your replacement cable, then you don't have a choice, because the equipment optics determines multi-mode or single mode, in other words it's not just the cable's physical connector that has to fit where you plug it in, but the fiber's mode also has to correspond to the mode of the optical equipment that you're plugging it in to.

Multi-mode is cheaper (never wondered if it's the fiber or the optics, probably both). For multi-mode the best you'll do over 2000 ft is 100 Mbps.

Be careful, because if this cable plugs in to some equipment that your ISP installed in your building, it is probably NOT active optical equipment, but just a patch into another cable that runs to the ISP's optical equipment in a network room somewhere in your neighborhood. Extending the cable may not be supported by your ISP.

Instead of extending the ISP fiber, you may want to investigate the possibility of leaving your ISP installation as it is, and running cables between your buildings that plug in to your internal network.

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