MAC Address cloning. Why and when is it required

mac address


Question being, with cable based connections where your incoming cable can split 3+ ways to TV, phones and an internet modem, do they relay on MAC addresses for routing and assigning IP information hence why you generally need to clone MAC Address?

Or am I wrong. Basically, Why and when is it required?

Best Answer

The only reason to clone a MAC in this context, is because the ISP limits connectivity to that registered MAC. That would typically be the router supplied by the ISP -- you'd clone it's MAC onto the router of your choosing. Since the modem is the router these days (i.e. SBG6580), and few (if any?) ISPs still restrict connectivity to a "registered MAC", it's rarely done.

Personally, I do it to keep the same IP, and not have to reset the modem if I change routers. The modem does enforce a limited number of devices behind it -- (1) for most residential settings, (4) or more in business settings.

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