IPv4 NAT – Brute Force Search for Symmetric NAT Port Prediction


Say we have two clients A and B that wish to connect to each other, both behind symmetric NAT's NA and NB respectively. Also there is a rendezvous server S that exists to assist clients A and B with the hole punching process. The literatures says that because NA and NB randomly assign external ports anytime their respective clients initiate a new connection (even if the destination address is the same) the external port information that rendezvous server S swaps between its connecting clients is effectively useless. What i'm wondering is why is it not possible for clients A and B to try the external port information provided by S first and then, if that fails try repeatedly guessing/brute-forcing the external ports.

My guess is that trying all 2^16 ports would take too long or something is going completely over my head and the brute force search would require (2^16)^2 guesses which is completely unfeasible.

Best Answer

why is it not possible for clients A and B to try the external port information provided by S

Because the ports used for talking to S will never be the ports used to talk to either endpoint. A->S will be one port; A->B will be a different port. If NAT is being done correctly, neither port is guessable. The NAT entry maps Src(ip:port)/Dst(ip:port)[inside] to Src(ip:port)/Dst(ip:port)[outside] -- that's 8 numbers that NAT can change. When A changes from S to B, that's a completely new connection with completely new, unknown, external values. STUN/ICE/etc. are counting on the inside-outside src port association remaining the same for multiple destinations.

A and B have no way to know what port was selected by NAT, even if it is "sticky" (as long as the same inside src port is used, NAT uses the same outside src port), unless the same port(s) are used for multiple dst IPs. S only knows what was used to talk to it; if NAT uses a different outside src port, then neither S nor A will know what that port is.

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