Nat – Traffic through two firewalls and double-NAT


I have currently configured a PIX501's ethernet0 to DHCP so it gets an IP from my ISP via a Cable Modem.

ISP --- --> [ethernet0/dhcp] | PIX501 | [ethernet1/] --> [Layer 3 ethernet1/1] | PA-200 | --> Internal network

I need to pass ALL traffic (no filtering) through from the Internet via Ethernet0 to Ethernet1 on the PIX.

PIX Ethernet1 will then be connected to a Palo Alto firewall (ethernet1/1) which will perform NAT/filtering etc…

Is this possible?

I think there will be some double-NAT involved here. My understanding is that double-NAT will cause issues if I need to access an internal server.

Best Answer

i think you have pool of real IP with GW and DNS so no you don't need any NAT on the PIX . you just need to confirm the next with ISP

  1. the interface of the PIX which faced the modem has private IP (some thing like 192.168.X.X ) and sure the modem will be your GW in same range
  2. use one of the real IP which you get from the ISP to bring internet to you and assign it to the interface connected to the palo alto
  3. in the palo alto configure the interface which is connected to the PIX with other Real IP , configure default root to PIX and sure perform NATing for what ever Subnet you need to publish

i just wonder why you configure DHCP on the PIX , in such case PIX acting as next hub for your FW and may any L3 device even the FW acting as your DHCP server.

enter image description here

i such case my dear PIX act as a router , just route out subnets get from palo alto to outside and vice versa . in such senario NAT occured only on palo alto which already has real IP as i mentained before

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