Network – How to connect four networks with overlapping addresses


We have four networks for four departments: R&D, Sales, admin and finance. All IP addressing is from the network. So, maybe four PCs have same IP address, e.g.

Now, we want to connect them together with a router, so our CEO may access some servers in different departments, which each may have same IP address now.

I knew how to set up NAT and internal servers for the router so outside networks can access the internal servers, but now the four networks have same IP addressing.

We can add multiple network cards to server, or we can move network addressing to a larger network, then we have enough IP addresses, but both of those solutions are not accepted by end user.

I already use and H3C router to set NAT and internal servers for different sub networks. but now the networks have same IP addressing.

Expected result:

  1. Connect four networks by a router
  2. Do not change the current four network IP addresses.
  3. The CEO want to access some servers inside different networks, each of which
    may have same IP address

Best Answer

You can have multiple solutions

  1. You are not allowed to Change IP addresses, But you can change Subnet mask.
  2. You can use VLANs with Manageable Switch. (Implementation of option 01)
  3. You Can Use VRF. But Generally VRF Use in large Environment.

If you have same IP address range in all division mean you have only one network. That mean you need not router. Switch is enough to connect between all divisions.

If you are not allowed to change even subnet mask, You can enable bridge mode in router and use router as a Switch.

But you should not allow to use same ip address in twice.(It will be caused for IP conflict)

However Best Solution is Readdressing your network.....

I don't understand your third question. I assume that It will solved by mentioned solutions.

How to enable bridge mode