Network latency and network bandwidth correlation


Today I was pinging random websites, and I decided to ping a website, from which I was downloading at the speed of 2mb/s, and the ping(latency) was 10 ms.

My question is, if the answer from the server comes for around 10ms, how are these 2mb/s calculated? Any hints, links to explanations or similar are highly appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

Your ping time latency is how long it takes to get from one end to the other, and it has nothing to do with bandwidth which is how many bits are transferred per second.

Think of latency as the distance between two cities. It takes a fixed amount of time to drive between the two cities. Bandwidth is like how many people you can fit in each vehicle traveling between the cities; a bus has more bandwidth than a two-seater car. It takes the bus and the car the same amount of time (latency) to get from one city to the other, but the bus delivers more people (bandwidth) in that same amount of time.

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