Collision Domain – Devices That Reduce Collision Domains


What are the collision domain reducing devices?
if collision reduce how it advantage to network?

Best Answer

A collision is the moment when two or more frames from two or more different devices are in the network at the same time. Collisions are a feature of networks, as ethernet, that were designed to share the same media (collision domain) with a contention-based access method.

When a collision happens, the frames become unintelligible, so the devices that sent the frames have to retry later and other devices in the network have to wait until the collision dissapears to try to use the network.

Having a few collisions is not a problem. However, if 50% of the frames in a network suffer collisions, your network will be slow, and a slow network can produce higher layer problems as application disconnections, errors, etc.

As more devices are connected to a network the chance of having collisions increases, so the best way to reduce collisions is to segment the common media. This segmentation is achieved with switches. Each switch port is a "collision domain", it means that collisions happening in a port are not reproduced in the other ports of the switch.

When your devices are connected to an ethernet hub and device A sends a frame to device B, all the other devices see the frame and are unable to use the network until that frame ends.

When your devices are connected to an ethernet switch and device A sends a frame to device B, the frames go from port A to port B and the other ports don't see the frame so they see the network free and can use it. It means that multiple conversations can be achieved and that collisions happening in one port are isolated to that port.

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