One server repeatedly ARP for the same host


I am trying to use Wireshark to find the root cause of a particularly slow network, and started by examining Broadcast traffic.

Not only does Broadcast traffic represent over 25% of total traffic (at around 66 packets per second), but also some servers repeatedly query the same host.

This diagram below shows one host repeatedly sending broadcast traffic to query one host.

wireshark capture

Any idea what might cause this?

Best Answer

It seems the destination IP address ( is not answering the ARP requests. The source IP ( is trying to reach that address for some reason and thus is continuing sending ARP requests until it gets an answer or it gives up on reaching the host.

The reason could be that the destination host is offline or unreachable, or that the source host has a wrong subnet mask so that it is sending ARP requests instead of sending the packets to the gateway.