PIM : How does a client discover multicast streams


I have a doubt about multicast.

Topology diagram

Multicast SEVER — R1 — R2 — R3 — PC1

From Above diagram , suppose PIM-SM is enabled on all the Routers and let us assume that R2 will be the RP.

If Multicast server sends a stream to group , Then how does PC1 aware that it should join to that particular group .


For Example , If Multicast server sends "youtube" stream with some
video-1 , so when I type the same URL in my PC1 , how it can able to
covert that URL (youtube/video-1) to perticular multicast address ?

Who will do this conversions ?

Can anyone clarify this ?

Best Answer

The host queries a multicast catalog service to find a multicast stream (youtube video, iptv video, stocks notification service, whatever) which is mapped to that specific multicast group. The multicast catalog service is either hard-coded in the application itself, or selectable via application (say - browser) interface.

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