Priority queueing in openvswitch


When implementing QOS in openvSwitch there is an option in Configuration for linux-htb QoS : other_config : priority

The description for this option in the ovs documentation is :

other_config : priority:optional string, containing an integer, in
range 0 to 4,294,967,295 A queue with a smaller priority will receive
all the excess bandwidth that it can use before a queue with a larger
value receivesany.Specific priority values are unimportant; only
relative ordering matters. Defaults to 0 if unspecified.

My understanding is this is an option for implementing Priority Queueing. Is this correct ?

And if so, what does the bellow line means exactly ? :

Specific priority values are unimportant; only relative ordering

Any help woud be appreciated.

Thank you .

Best Answer

It means that in a given interval all traffic assigned a lower value will be transmitted before traffic assigned a higher value. If in that interval the amount of traffic assigned the lower value exhausts the available buffer then the traffic assigned higher values will be dropped.

Edit to Add: Yes, this is absolutely a form of priority queueing.