Router – Cannot Use 5GHz Band Wi-Fi from Channels 100-140


My AP operates in the 5Ghz band. There are no problems using Channel 36 to 64; however, clients can't even detect the SSID if I use Channel 100 to 140.

Below is a screenshot of Netspot showing all the signals in my area. It seems like its not my router issue, and that my clients can't detect anything else in the 100-140 channel range. Why is that? Is it a regional issue? I would like to have my router run on an orthogonal channel without any network interfering with it, hence I would like it to run on channel 100+.

netspot showing signals in my area

Best Answer

802.11a Frequency Channel Map

Perhaps this will help. Also, consult Wikipedia for futher reference. In short, in the US, the H band is restricted due to interference issues with Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR). (at least for outdoor use.)