MAC Address – How to Find the MAC Address of a Router

mac addressrouter

I'm trying to figure out the MAC address of my router.

This picture is of using the command ipconfig:

enter image description here

This picture is of using the arp -a command:

enter image description here

I see it says my IPv4 address is, so I go down to it in the arp -a command. However, there are many different MAC addresses for it. It also says the default gateway is, so my question is: Which one is my router MAC address? Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

According to your screenshot, the ARP Cache entry for is c8d7.1914.f1d1, which is likely the MAC address of the router interface to which you are connected.

According to your output of ipconfig/all, the MAC Address of your Network Interface is 844b.f522.6f98.