Is Channel 13 Better Than Channel 11 on 2.4GHz Band?

bandwidthieee 802.11lanrouterwireless

When I analyzed the wifi networks in my area, most of them are set on channel 1 and channel 6, so it would be most wise for me to set it on channel 11.

My router however, provides the option to set it on channel 13. Wouldn't it be even better for me to put it on channel 13, as that is even further away from the lower channels, or would you recommend me to put it on channel 11?


Best Answer

Channels 1, 6, and 11 are spaced far enough apart that they don’t overlap. On a non-MIMO setup (i.e. 802.11 a, b, or g) you should always try to use channel 1, 6, or 11. If you use 802.11n with 20MHz channels, stick to channels 1, 6, and 11 — if you want to use 40MHz channels, be aware that the airwaves might be congested, unless you live in a detached house in the middle of nowhere.

In your case selecting 13 would be perfect, since most are at 1 and 6 as you wrote. Setting channels as far as possible away from other active networks.

Good read on SuperUser: