Router – Two routers connected to a switch= same IP host address


I have two routers, named Router0 and Router1, that are connect to a switch on ports FA0/1 and FA0/2, respectively. Now lets say this network has an address of

Would the IP host address of both router interfaces that connect to this switch be the same, e.g. .1 for Router0 FA0/0, and .1 for Router1 FA0/0, or would the Router1 interface be .2?

I know in the real world, if you're connecting countries, you would not use this setup as its not ideal.

network with cisco packet tracer

Best Answer

Devices on the same IP network must have different addresses. Your routers' f0/0 interfaces will be in the same network, so they will need to have different addresses. The addresses can be any of the usable network addresses, e.g. to

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