Routing – Best practice for connecting router to switch? (re: VLANs and multiple ports)


When using multiple VLANs, what is the best practice for connecting a router to a switch?

For example, I can use one single port (and one cable) between the switch and router and set it up as a VLAN trunk so all traffic uses this cable.

Pros: Only one port is required.
Cons: All VLAN traffic shares 1 Gb link.

The second option is to connect multiple cables between the router and the switch and setup each port/cable to pass individual VLANs/networks between the router and the switch.

Pros: Each VLAN/network has dedicated 1 Gb link.
Cons: Uses multiple ports on switch and router.

Is there a best practice regarding this situation? The router I'm using (EdgeRouter) doesn't support link aggregation (as far as I know) and the fiber ports are only SFP so every port is only 1 Gb.

Best Answer

At the risk of expressing an opinion here, there is no such thing as "best practice." There are good practices, there are bad practices, and there are a lot in between. There is no best practice because there are many factors which make each situation different.

In the choice you present, you might consider the ease of maintenance/modification, the likelihood that you will exceed the port bandwidth, the ease/cost of cabling, etc. Each of these will affect your decision. There is no right answer because only you can determine how much these factors matter in your environment. What's "best" for me may not be best for you.