Cisco ASA DHCP Server Configuration for VLANs – How to Route Packets


We are in the process of planning to phase out a Sonicwall tz205 in our office. i am hoping to replace it with a CISCO ASA 5516 specifically. We have three networks in house the main production network (LAN and Wireless) on one interface, a public wifi VLAN on a sub-interface on the same interface as the main network. and VOIP phones on a second interface.

My first question is if the ASA is capable of being a DHCP server for a sub interface (public WIFI), and the Phone networks? I have been unable to find any documentation answering this.

Second is the ASA 5516 capable of routing traffic between the phone network and the production network?

Best Answer

Yes, your ASA can act as a DHCP server, but the thing to remember is that this is not the primary purpose of the ASA and as such it doesn't perform it as well as a dedicated DHCP server. It can perform it well enough for your clients though. I am uncertain about the VOIPs as the documentation deals specifically with Cisco VOIPs.

This link is Cisco's guide to configuring DHCP on the 5500 ASA.

Personally speaking, I am not overly fond of how you are describing your new network. Typically I like to recommend that all of your devices connect to a switch and then that switch connect to your router (which I imagine is your edge router.)