Routing – How MAC/IP Addresses Are Used in Routing

ipv4mac addressosirouterrouting

I have to teach my sixth form about MAC Addresses and IP Addresses in a few weeks time and there are some areas I am unclear on which I am hoping some of you will be able to clarify for me. I have enough to get them through the syllabus, but I like to have more knowledge than the spec so that I can explain how things work in more meaningful way.

So as I understand it the following happens when a device on a LAN sends a packet/frame to a device on another separate LAN via the internet.

A packet is created at the sending end with the destination and sending IP

First question: Is the destination IP actually the IP of the gateway for the receiving device’s LAN

This is then turned into a frame which will go to the gateway for the LAN – this happens at the data link layer and the frame has a MAC sending and destination address added

First question: The destination MAC address – is this the final
destination or the destination of the gateway?

The packet/frame is then sent onto the internet and routed (using the IP address) to the next hop towards the final destination

Second question: At each hop, does the data link layer change the
destination MAC address in the frame to the MAC address of the next

The packet/frame is routed to the destination address (which is the gateway )

Third question: Once the frame/packet reaches the gateway of the
receiving LAN is the destination MAC address in the frame used by a
switch to ensure it ends up at the correct device? This obviously
assumes that the destination MAC address is not amended by the routers
as the frame/packet traverses the internet – if it is amended then
once the receiving gateway receives the frame/packet, how does it know
where to send it?

Best Answer

MAC addresses are layer-2 addresses in the frame header. The layer-2 frame encapsulates the layer-3 IP packet. The layer-2 frame is stripped off at a layer-2/3 boundary (e.g. a router). If the layer-3 packet needs to be forwarded through another layer-2 domain, a new layer-2 frame is created using MAC addresses in the new layer-2 domain to encapsulate the layer-3 packet.


To the router:

<L2 frame><L3 packet><L4 segment>PAYLOAD DATA</L4 segment></L3 packet></L2 frame>

In the router:

<L3 packet><L4 segment>PAYLOAD DATA</L4 segment></L3 packet>

From the router:

<New L2 frame><L3 packet><L4 segment>PAYLOAD DATA</L4 segment></L3 packet></New L2 frame>

The original layer-2 frame will contain the source MAC address of the sender, and the destination MAC address of the router's interface in that layer-2 domain.

The new layer-2 frame will contain the source MAC address of the router's interface in the new layer-2 domain, and the destination MAC address of the next hop in the new layer-2 domain.

The layer-3 packet will contain the layer-3 source IP address of the originator of the packet, and the layer-3 destination address of the final layer-3 destination.

Layer-2 MAC addresses are removed at each layer2/3 boundary along the routes to be replaced with the MAC addresses of the new source and destination, but the layer-3 IP addresses stay the same along the path (with certain exceptions like NAT).

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