Routing – How GSM network routes Internet packets


How does a GSM network route internet packets? Does GSM use NAT based PAT like a physical Router? For example, user A visits website #1 and user B visits website #2. how data of website #1 are given to user A instead of B or both of them?

Best Answer

GSM data networks (GPRS, LTE etc) allocate IP addresses to end devices (Mobile Phones) just like any other network.

As to whether NAT/PAT is used, this is entirely carrier dependent - based on a factor of how big their subscriber base is and how many public IPv4 addresses they have available.

In Australia, the incumbent telco Telstra uses a CGN (carrier-grade NAT) to support the massive numbers of 3G/LTE subscribers currently using it's network. All devices using their default APN are allocated an address from, and then NATted to the Internet. Public IPs are available, but only on premium services.

In markets where IPv6 is more established (eg: much of Asia), end devices are more likely to be provided with a public v6 address, requiring CGN only where the content being viewed is v4 only.

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