Routing – How to Create a Static Route Between Subnets on SonicWall


I have a SonicWall and two Wifi Access Points (APs) connected to it.
The secured WLAN AP is connected to port X0 with subnet 192.168.22.x and has our "Secure" clients, as well as a printer.
The guest WLAN AP is connected to port X3 with subnet 192.168.77.x and is for visitors.

I'd like visitors to be able to use our printer but not see any of the other computers on the 22.x subnet.

How do I allow any user on the guest WLAN to access the printer at

I have tried many things including turning off the firewall completely and putting both X0 and X3 in the same "Zone" (LAN). Still, unable to communicate between 22.x and 77.x The SonicWall is running SonicOS 6.


In theory, the Sonicwall should be able to do this

I tried to ad

Best Answer

As boomi has already pointed out, this is no routing issue but a firewall issue. Most firewalls have an implicit deny all rule at the end of their policy list, so everything you haven't explicitly permitted is blocked.

I'm not familiar with SonicWall but basically you need to add a firewall rule to allow your guest to access the printer. Something in the line of

permit from to

permits any kind of connection from the guest VLAN to the printer.

If you want to limit access to printing only, you'd refine the rule with something like to TCP port 9100 for the "raw" PDL port or to TCP port 445 for SMB access, depending on how you're printing.

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