UDP – Is Rerouting Possible in UDP?


So I am trying to understand routing for TCP and UDP segments. I have a couple of things that I am confused about:

  • In TCP, is there any specification on how many packets would be dropped before a rerouting would be done for a connection established between two end-systems?
  • In UDP, is rerouting even possible? If a specific route keeps losing a lot of data, will the two parties ever transmit data using another route, because there is never a connection establishment phase. So how is it ever going to be possible to establish another route between the two parties if ever a communication link goes down somewhere. How is the route decided for UDP in general i suppose would be a well placed question?

Thank you for your answers in advance.

Best Answer

This is not the hosts that decide which route a packet will follow, each router in the path make it's own decision.

(Actually, the originating host could use the IP strict source option to force the packets to go through a specific route, but it's rarely, if ever, used, and it's totally ignored by routers on the Internet)

So each router can change the router of packets depending on the network condition (link drop, congestion on a link, load balancing...)

What a host can decide is to alter it's TCP window (flow control), to modify the rate at which it sends information, but this doesn't impact routing.

Except for Policy Based Routing, routing is a layer 3 decision that doesn't take into account layer 4 (TCP / UDP) information, so it's performed in the same way for TCP / UDP / ICMP etc...