Leaf-Spine Network – How to Implement Without Routing


If I have a leaf-spine network with all the servers on the same subnet, say, do I need a router (or l3) since everything is on the same network and the network is flat?

Best Answer

do I need a router (or l3) since everything is on the same network and the network is flat

Technically, no - if all nodes reside in that flat network.

However, such a large subnet is not good practice due to limited scaling and the potential propagation of any L2 problems.

The core-distribution links should always be routed (L3) instead of switched. In current practice, the distribution-access links are increasingly becoming L3 as well which provides even better scalability. Most often, L3 switches are used between core and distribution, and between distribution and access.

With a smaller network (and subnet) you would use a collapsed core topology where the access switches connect to the core directly. Again, good practice is to route those links.

Using routed instead of bridged links can improve total scalability (when it's not practical to propagate each MAC address throughout the whole network), total throughput (in contrast to STP blocking redundant links you can use equal-cost multi-path routing) and resilience (a complex network can fail over quicker on a link-state routing protocol than by R/MSTP).

Shortest Path Bridging heavily borrows from ECMP and scales significantly better in an L2 scenario. However, the industry hasn't quite caught on yet with standard switches, so L3 with ECMP is currently a better and more future-proof way.

All in all, L3 vs L2 depends on the level of scalability you have in mind. A network with a few hundred nodes that is not growing (are you sure?) usually works well in a flat L2 design.

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