pfSense VPN – Configuring Site-to-Site Routes


I was presented with an issue regarding an actual setup using pfSense at two locations.

pfSense Site A is the OpenVPN Server and B is the client.

Everything works, the LAN on Site A can communicate with LAN on site B and also the other way around.

Site A LAN GW IP is
Site B LAN GW IP is

Issue is that some specific hosts on Site A should use Internet Breakout at site B but as they have the as GW automatically get to the Internet through Site A WAN.

I would like to achieve is having Site A hosts going to Internet through Site B WAN instead of A.

I've tried to set the default GW on site A Host (eg. as, but of course it has no routes for that.

I'm sorry if some information is missing, but not really a network guy.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

That might be easier if Site B were the server and Site A were the OVPN client. Provide Site A (via the OVPN server config) with the subnet and gateway available on the other end of the tunnel and see how things go.

Then if Site A host has a default route that travels across (which has a IP provided via OVPN of, let's say) and a next hop of and then a WAN IP of {} then that makes perfect sense to me.

You may need to use a firewall rule to direct traffic to an alternate gateway under the Advanced firewall rule settings.