Routing – Quagga routing and security


I have a quagga router with two transit neighbors and announcing my own IP space. I recently joined a public peering exchange (IXP) and so I'm part of their local network (/24), together with all other participants. So far everything works fine.

Now for security I wonder if other participants could not simply route all their outgoing traffic through me? For example what happens if any other participant would point a default route to my IXP ip. If I understand correctly all outgoing traffic from that participant would then go to my router which would route it to the internet using my transit uplink, right?

So I wonder if I have to take any measures against it. My ideas are:

  1. Setup firewall (iptables) rules so that only traffic with a destination of my own IP space is accepted from other IXP participant. Drop any other traffic from IXP participants.

  2. Somehow make quagga use a different kernel routing table for each neighbor (or peer-group). The routing table for the IXP neighbors would not contain any entries except for my own IP space and so no routing using my ip transit uplinks would occur. Looking at the output of ip rule show shows quagga is not doing this automatically?

Am I on the right track? Why is 2. not implemented in Quagga directly? How do hardware routers (cisco, juniper, ..) deal with this problem?

Best Answer

You're right, if you don't take any measures this could happen. It's a violation of the acceptable use policy of most IXP's I know, but still you want to prevent it from happening.

Your first solution is a good thing to do and will solve your problem. Just make sure you don't keep track of session state in iptables, that will probably kill performance or even your router.

You could consider to do outbound filtering as well in a similar way: do not allow packets to leave your network originating from unknown sources. This will prevent prevent hosts in your network from sending spoofed IP packets, which are commonly used in DDoS attacks.

I wouldn't implement the second solution. It's complicated and doesn't scale well if you have multiple routers handling your transits and peerings or if you have a large number of peering sessions (a couple of hunderds on an IXP isn't that uncommon).

On all the hardware router platforms I know this problem is solved in configuration by configuring RPF on the outbound interface and/or by writing filters.