Best Practices for Separate Networks for Firewall Interfaces

best practicesfirewallroutingsubnet

Just wondering the theory or reason behind having the inside interface of a firewall on a different network than your primary network. I put together a quick drawing of what i'm talking about.

What is the advantage of having the inside interface of the firewall on a different subnet, than just being on a main subnet? In the diagram I have the inside interface as, which I see a lot in example diagrams. But what is the benefit of it just being another enter image description here

Best Answer

Usually firewall is a router, so normal configuration for router is have different subnets on different interfaces.

In Your diagram, as I guess, implied that LAN is private and WAN is public IP space, so "firewall" really do not only Firewall work (filtering) but also NAT-router work (routing and address translation).

But in some cases is useful to configure firewall as transparent bridge (switch) without making influence on subnets architecture.