Redundant Internet Connection with Multiple LTE Modems


Hy i wan't to build a Redundant Internet Gateway to use multiple usb LTE Modems with diffrent SIM Cards. The goal of this is to install it on a Boat in a medium sized lake. The boat route is along the coast and across multiple countries (There shuld be lte available all around the trip route from diffrent network providers.

The network would look like this:
Network layout

My goal is to have a working internet as long as one usb modem is connectet to one LTE/GSM Tower. (A Download on a Laptop should not stop when one Modem loses connection)

I read alittle bit about the BGP Protocoll this sounds similar to what i need.

So my Question is: Can i use BGP for this purpose and if not is there a protocoll that can handle this?

Best Answer

You don't need a protocol, but you do need a router. It would sit between your modems and your WAP, and would direct traffic to whichever LTE connection is working.

Commercial-grade routers have features to choose the modem with the best performance (or not choose ones that are poorly performing), so your traffic will reach the Internet.

However, there's a big caveat: If you switch from one modem to another, your IP address will change. So any session you have with a website will be terminated. If you're downloading data, it will be interrupted.

Also, most commercial routers can't connect to USB modems. You'll have to get modems that have an Ethernet port.

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