Routing – Sonicwall TZ105 Site to Site VPN Created can ping gateways but can’t ping network from other site


Need help here

Site B

x0 Lan
X1 WAN 64.x.x.x

Site A

X1 WAN 69.x.x.x

VPN tunnel set up as VPN SITE TO SITE and is Green

From Site A I can ping
From Site B I can ping and everything else on this network

From Site A, I can only ping Although I cannot access a single service, VMConsole, or anything else on the network. I understand that firewall needs to be able to allow for ping on network.

Any ideas?

Secondly, I'm going to be connecting up a VOIP/SIP network onto this router for Site B. Do I need to create a VLAN for the Phones? Do I need to create a VLAN for the network?

Best Answer

Check to make sure you put the remote network into both sides go to VPN->Configure-> Newtwork and make sure you have the correct networks selected and that they have the whole network range not just the gateway address object. For what I expect you are doing I would setup the local networks to Firewalled Subnets on both, and note what you have for the REMOTE network name. Then go to Firewall-> Address Objects-> Select Custom radio button. This will show you your remote networks and look for the remote network name, and make sure its a Range not a host and that it has the correct range.

You technically don't have to create a VLAN. Depending on the number of phones and how important quality is you can get by with just plugging the phones in. I have a small office (4 Phones and 5 pcs) that I have all on the same subnet no fancy VLAN and no issues. I only use VLAN if I only have one network cable run to each desk. IE passing through the phones to the computers. If I have the cable already ran(or the time to do so myself) A central PoE switch will save you lots of headache in the future.