Routing – Traceroute showing inter-vlan routing


I currently have two different devices (one server and one client device) that are on separate VLANs (VLAN 5 and VLAN 10 respectively). When the client device runs a tracert to the server, the tracert is able to complete as such.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

 1     6 ms   <1 ms   <1ms
 2    <1 ms   <1 ms   <1ms []

Trace complete.


My understanding is that a layer 3 router is required to route traffic between VLANs, which we have connected to the layer 3 switch. Is this correct? Why am I not able to see the Layer 3 router's IP within the tracert output?

Best Answer

Yes. Layer 3 device is required. It could be Layer 3 Switch as well. No separate router is required. According to your explanation Intervlan routing has been configured. If you have Layer 3 switch, SVI is required to communicate between vlans. According to your Explanation will be SVI(Switch Virtual Interface) or Gateway of your current VLAN.