Sonicwall Routing – How to Route Between Subnets


I am trying to create a separate subnet, which is isolated from my LAN subnet. I want some controlled traffic flow between these subnets. I hope to control it using the Sonicwall firewall rules. But here is the thing, I want the machines to see each other directly, if allowed through the rules. What I mean is I want no NAT translation.


LAN_1 is the default LAN, the SonicWall LAN IP is

The SonicWall has 5 interfaces. X0 is LAN interface (LAN_1) and X1 is WAN.

I am wondering about how to setup LAN_2. Do I buy separate router, or can SonicWall give me this routing ability, if I define one of the available interfaces (X2,X3,X4) for connecting LAN_2?

Keep in mind I am no network engineer, but I am often forced to play that role.

Best Answer

What I mean is I want no NAT translation.

That is the default behaviour. Adding NAT translation between neighboring subnets would not be an 'enabled by default' feature. Simply adding those subnets into your SonicWall would allow them to communicate as long as your hosts are pointing to it as a default gateway.

I am wondering about how to setup LAN_2. Do I buy separate router, or can SonicWall give me this routing ability, if I define one of the available interfaces (X2,X3,X4) for connecting LAN_2?

SonicWall will give you that capability without the need for any additional routers. You may need more switches to deal with the additional hosts on your second subnet (LAN_2).

You're on the right track with the interfaces. Use any of the additional interfaces you have. Logically, your setup should look like this in the end.

               +-----------+ X0 ----
WAN_IP ---- X1 | SonicWall | 
               +-----------+ X2 ----

In this instance, X0 and X2 will be able to communicate.