Spanning Tree between only 2 HP switches connected via Etherchannel

etherchannelhpspanning tree

Had my first experience with HP switches (2x ProCurve 2810G) and I realized that STP is not enabled by default. I discovered this only after having already configured an Etherchannel with 3x1Gig-Links which carries just one single VLAN.

Now my questions are: should I enable STP, knowing that this setup will not expand beyond the two existing switches? I know that in Cisco switches STP "sees" an Etherchannel as a single port: is this the same thing for HP switches?

Best Answer

Yes, configure it, just because your port channel is good doesn't mean your entire topology necessarily is - just connect another cable between the two switches on an active VLAN and watch the badness happen.

I recommend MST (Multiple Spanning Tree) providing the switch supports it - interoperable, backwards compatible and of course, has the obvious benefit of being able to partition vlans into separate domains.

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