Subnetting a IPv4 /24 into 7 equally large subnets


I wrote a test a few days ago and wasn't able to solve one task in there:

Create 7 Subnets in the Net
The subnets should be equally large.
The address range must be completely used.

So at first I tried to create one Subnet with /26 mask, so I get 64 hosts and the remaining address range gets filled with six /27 masked subnets (32 hosts).
Then I noticed that the second requirement has not been fulfilled.

When I create only /27 masked subnets, the third (or first) requirement is not fulfilled.
In the end I gave up and created eight /27 masked subnets, where the last subnet is not used.

Now my question is whether I didn't understand something in subnetting or the teacher made a mistake.
I still hope that the task was not possible, so I can talk to the teacher.

Best Answer

There's no solution which satisfies all requirements, your answer of making 8 /27's is probably the most logical one.

You can easily verify this by trying to divide 256 by 7, you can't do this without a remainder. Also, all subnets need to have a size which is a power of 2, and 7 * 32 (a /27) = 252, 8 * 16 (a /26) = 512, so there's no way to do this without unused space.

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