Subnetting Techniques – Nested Subnetting, VLSM, and Broadcast Addresses


A teacher told us about VLSM and "nested subnetting":

  • you should NOT use all-1 / all-0 subnets
  • the same public network you got, can be split up in subnetworks of different size / having different subnet masks
  • you can nest subnets, so that the same IP actually belongs to 2 subnetworks: in the example below the range of B is from to 190, but C is nested inside from to; furthermore B & C are nested in A
  • the aim of this is to waste less IPs
  • it is not supported by routers, but theoretically it would work

The teacher gave us examples with requirements like these:

  • you got /24 from your ISP
  • A: 140 hosts
  • B: 20 hosts
  • C: 2 hosts
  • given: C should be nested in B

–> using equally sized subnets without nesting will not work

The solution:

│network│net address   │last octet│suffix│first host│last host│broadcast│
│A      │  │0000 0000 │/24   │1         │254      │255      │
│B      ││1010 0000 │/27   │161       │190      │191      │
│C      ││1011 1100 │/30   │189       │190      │191      │

I had never head about it and could not find very much information, so I have some questions about it:

  1. I think C is an all-1-subnet, am I right?
  2. What happens if a router (e.g. the router connecting the local network to the internet) receives a packet with target = How does it decide, whether to route it to all hosts (everyone between and, no matter, whether it is in subnet B or C) or just to the hosts, that are directly in network (the root of the nested networks)
  3. Who will receive packets addressed to All hosts in B including C or only the hosts in C?
  4. In general, even if you do not use VLSM and nesting, but you ALLOW all-0 / all-1-networks: How do you distinguish between the network / broadcast address of the "super-network" and the sub-network? (following the linked article it should work meanwhile)
  5. Does anyone use this technique in real life?

Cisco article about all-1 and all-0 subnets

Best Answer

"Nesting" (overlapping networks) requires proxy-arp and therefore SHOULD be avoided at all costs. No enterprise router will allow such a broken configuration -- each interface/subnet must be completely independent, which means out in the real world, where real IP addresses are routed, this method of "conservation" cannot be used. (aka: nonsense) [*]

It SHOULD not be attempted by anyone not thoroughly versed in networking. (i.e. if you haven't been designing, setting up, and maintaining large, complex networks for a decade or more, you shouldn't even be talking about this type of damage.)

(Full disclosure)
I'm doing this exact thing in an OpenStack development environment right now. 192.168.xx.0/24 has a /29 behind one of the machines in the larger /24. That machine has to have a number of specific, non-default setting changed to pretend to be hosts within the /29 slice. (aka proxy-arp) Yes, I can add a route for the /29 on the router, but the machines in the /24 still won't be able to talk to the /29 because their larger netmask means they're link-local; I'd have to add that /29 route to all the machines in the /24 for them to work.

All-0 and All-1
Those concepts haven't had any tangible meaning in modern networking for decades. Nothing you're likely to run into on the internet makes any assumptions about network size -- everything is classless now. Yes, there used to be issues using an all-0 (or 1) subnet -- say (the first subnet from (true story) -- because some random system on the internet (AIX) applied class logic to the range. Nothing does that today. So, with, the address range is 0.0 to 255.255 -- with the those too addresses being the /16's network and broadcast addresses. Those are always the /16's network and broadcast, even if a /24 were nested with it somewhere.

The active netmask ALWAYS defines the network and broadcast. Yes, that means a nested construct has multiple broadcast addresses, but due to different netmasks, nodes within different zones (sub-network, parent-network, ...) listen to different addresses. At layer-2 (ethernet), all hosts in the same domain (eg. vlan) see the same broadcasts but the host will filter out, at layer-3, the "foreign" broadcasts, unless they're sent to the "all nodes" broadcast address of

[*] ISPs wanting to conserve space like this do it via bridging, but that has it's own problems.
[*] I warned my idiot ("we know more than you") coworkers not to use, but they did it anyway -- putting the webdev desktops in 0.0/25. A day later came the "What. Did. I. Tell. You." after complaints from every single person about random places on the internet they simply couldn't get. That was in 1997.

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