Switch – a “Layer 3 Switch”


What is a "Layer 3 Switch"? I essentially understand the OSI model, well maybe I don't and maybe that is why I don't understand. Its just that I don't see how/when/if a "managed switch" becomes a "layer 3 switch". Or, is a "managed switch" automatically a layer 3 switch?

Best Answer

Managed switches are in simple terms switches that can be "managed." Managed means that they can provide information/statistics about their operation and usually that they can be configured. While the vast majority of managed switches can be configured for IP (and this includes all the more capable devices with full feature sets), there are some that can be managed strictly over L2 with proprietary management software but this limits them severely in terms of what advantages they have over a non-managed switch.

A L3 switch is a switch that can perform some or all the functions of a router in addition to being a switch.

This then begs the question, what is the difference between a L3 switch and a router? Technically speaking, a L3 switch is a router. Or put another way, a device which performs L3 functions is a router (this is also why they can call consumer gateway devices "routers"), and a L3 switch performs L3 functions.

So why the distinction? People will point out many things sometimes, but you can always find exceptions to those (whether it is based on features, performance, etc). In my mind it really comes down to one thing.

L3 switches are designed first and foremost to perform L2 functions. Even if they have a full L3 feature set and high L3 performance, the primary motivation behind their design and engineering is L2.

Routers are first and foremost designed to perform L3 functions. Even if they have L2 modules or functionality, the primary motivation behind their design and engineering is L3.

So when it comes to pushing new capabilities, features and/or performance, the focus is often on their primary layer of operation first. An example of this was the Cisco 6500 L3 switch and the 7600 router. While they were both basically the same platform and could use much of the same hardware/modules, the focus was different.

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