Layer 3 Switch vs Router – Advantages Explained


What is the advantage of Layer 3 switch over the Router ??

Best Answer

In general, layer-3 switches move packets faster (near line rate) because everything they do is in hardware. They tend to be cheaper and cheaper to operate (power, personnel, etc.) vs. a comparable router.

This does come with significant limitations, however...

  • reduced route table size
  • no NAT
  • no firewall and very limited security features
  • limited routing protocol support, if any.
  • possibly no IPv6 support at all (and that's not something that can be fixed with software) Granted that should be rare today. What I regularly see is IPv6 features substantially subtracting from IPv4 features.

Routers are predominantly designed to run routing protocols that regularly alter the path of traffic. They also handle numerous high-touch features such as NAT, QoS, security, VRF, etc. Outside the high-end market, routers are partially or totally software platforms.

For example, it's easy to take a commodity PC with a few NICs, load linux on it, and *poof* it's a router. No matter how much you hit it with the spice-weasel, it'll never be a switch.