Switch – Disable STP and force port state on a Avaya 4950 switch port

avayaspanning treeswitch

I know how to connect a switch on a router Avaya VSP 7200 by disabling STP with the command :

no spanning-tree mstp force-port-state enable

but how to force port state on a switch Avaya 4950?

Thank you for helping

Best Answer

I don't know about the 4900, but on the 5000 (5xxx) line I use the following:

interface FastEthernet ALL
spanning-tree rstp port 21-22 learning disable

(21 is a cablemodem, 22 is the router)

STP will show the ports as Discarding, but they aren't:

troz-5510-1#show spanning-tree rstp port role 21-22
Port     Role       State     STP Status  Oper Status
----  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------
21    Disabled    Discarding  Disabled    Disabled     
22    Disabled    Discarding  Disabled    Disabled 

troz-5510-1#show interfaces 21-22 
              Status                    Auto                       Flow  
Port Trunk Admin   Oper Link LinkTrap Negotiation Speed    Duplex Control
---- ----- ------- ---- ---- -------- ----------- -------- ------ -------
21         Enable  Up   Up   Enabled  Enabled     1000Mbps Full   Disable 
22         Enable  Up   Up   Enabled  Enabled     1000Mbps Full   Asymm