Network Switch – Does a Switch Broadcast Local IP Addresses

broadcastieee 802.11multicastrouterswitch

Please consider the following scenario

  1. The router (Linksys E2000) has an INTERNET port where the main network is plugged in. The router has some ETHERNET/OUT ports where a switch, laptop or PC can plug in. The router has the address 192.168.X.Y

  2. A LAN wire from one of the ETHERNET ports of the router is plugged back into the main network port.

Will main network see the router's DHCP address 192.168.X.Y?

Please let me know if I should clarify further.

Best Answer

Switches are transparent devices. Switches, themselves, don't broadcast anything. A switch will flood unknown unicast frames, and broadcast or (possibly) multicast frames will be sent to all switch interfaces, but switches do not originate traffic, nor do they care anything about layer-3 protocols, e.g. IP, so a switch doesn't know about IP addresses, much less broadcast them.

Each device on a network has its own addresses, and each knows what the local network is based on its configured network mask.

Based on your edit:

The Linksys router, and all consumer-grade devices, are explicitly off-topic here.

DHCP requests are broadcast from the hosts to the network, so DHCP requests will go to all switch interfaces, including the switch interface of your DHCP server (possibly running in your router chassis). The DHCP server will respond to the requesting host with the necessary information (IP address, mask, gateway address, etc.).

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