EXOS Layer 2 Configuration on Summit x440-G2-24p


I search since Days for a working configuration for a layer2 connection from another extreme switch to this switch. What I connected Physically on my Summit x440-G2-24p:

  • the ethernet(lan) cable from the other switch(Uplink)
  • and a ethernet(lan) cable to my laptop

Actual behaivior:

  • i can't ping outside
  • DHCP Server on can't reach from the Summit

Desired behavior:

What I will is that any port of 24 ports uses layer2 one of this serves as WAN(Uplink), also if i will connect another pc it should get an IP address from my DHCP Server.

How looks my config:

X440G2-24p-10G4.11 # show con
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysContact "support@extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000"
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-28
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-28
configure vlan default delete ports 25-28
configure vlan Default add ports 1-24 untagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan Default

# Module mcmgr configuration.

# Module fdb configuration.

# Module rtmgr configuration.
configure iproute add default

# Module policy configuration.

# Module aaa configuration.

# Module acl configuration.

# Module bfd configuration.

# Module cfgmgr configuration.

# Module dosprotect configuration.

# Module dot1ag configuration.

# Module eaps configuration.

# Module edp configuration.

# Module elrp configuration.

# Module ems configuration.

# Module epm configuration.

# Module erps configuration.

# Module esrp configuration.

# Module ethoam configuration.

# Module etmon configuration.

# Module exsshd configuration.

# Module hal configuration.

# Module idMgr configuration.

# Module ipSecurity configuration.

# Module ipfix configuration.

# Module lldp configuration.

# Module mrp configuration.

# Module msdp configuration.

# Module netLogin configuration.

# Module netTools configuration.
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default #DHCP/DNS
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default #DHCP/DNS
enable bootprelay ipv4 vlan Default
configure bootprelay vlan Default add

# Module nodealias configuration.

# Module ntp configuration.

# Module poe configuration.

# Module rip configuration.

# Module ripng configuration.

# Module snmpMaster configuration.
configure snmpv3 engine-id 03:00:04:96:cd:0d:92

# Module stp configuration.

# Module techSupport configuration.

# Module telnetd configuration.

# Module tftpd configuration.

# Module thttpd configuration.

# Module twamp configuration.

# Module vmt configuration.

# Module vsm configuration.

X440G2-24p-10G4.13 # sho ports conf no-refresh
Port Configuration
Port     Virtual    Port  Link  Auto   Speed      Duplex   Flow  Load   Media
         router     State State Neg  Cfg Actual Cfg Actual Cntrl Master Pri Red
1        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
2        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
3        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
4        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
5        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
6        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
7        VR-Default E       A    ON  AUTO  1000 AUTO FULL   NONE        UTP             #My Laptop
8        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
9        VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
10       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
11       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
12       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
13       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
14       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
15       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
16       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
17       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
18       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
19       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
20       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    UTP
21       VR-Default E       A    ON  AUTO  1000 AUTO FULL   NONE       UTP     *      #Uplink
22       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE   *
23       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    SF+_LR *
24       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE   *
25       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE
26       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE
27       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE
28       VR-Default E       R    ON  AUTO       AUTO                    NONE
> indicates Port Display Name truncated past 8 characters
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port Not Present, L-Loopback
Port State: D-Disabled, E-Enabled, L-License Disabled
Media: !-Unsupported, $-Unlicensed
Media Red: * - use "show port info detail" for redundant media type
Flow Cntrl: Shows link partner's abilities. NONE if Auto Neg is OFF
X440G2-24p-10G4.13 #

I hope anyone can help me or write me what i forgot to set, because I'm at the end of my knowledge.

Best Answer

Sorry, I forgot this thread, I've solved this problem by disabling STP on the source switch port where are the new switch connected.