Switch – How Do FDM and TDM Work in Relation to Circuit Switching?


I am currently trying to understand what exactly is FDM and TDM. I understand the definitions, but I am having trouble visualizing it. First, in Circuit switching a connection between host A and host B must be made where we have created a path for the connection to travel.

Now, if we are talking about FDM, and we have 4 users is that saying that the 4 users are going to use that very same path created but at different frequencies?

Also, if we are talking about TDM, and we have 4 users is that also saying that for that same path users will get to use it at different times?

Best Answer

In circuit switching, resources remain allocated during the full length of a communication, after a circuit is established and until the circuit is terminated and the allocated resources are freed. Resources remain allocated even if no data is flowing on a circuit, hereby wasting link capacity when a circuit does not carry as much traffic as the allocation permits. This is a major issue since frequencies (in FDM) or time slots (in TDM) are available in finite quantity on each link, and establishing a circuit consumes one of these frequencies or slots on each link of the circuit.

More detailed information: https://web.archive.org/web/20180622193630/http://www.cs.virginia.edu:80/~mngroup/projects/mpls/documents/thesis/node8.html

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