Switch – How to reset password to a Nortel 8310


I need to access the configuration of a Nortel 8310. Previous administrator left without leave passwords….and the IT manager wasn't aware of this…

I found that I can access the switch via Telnet with rwa default account.

What is the command to modify RW and RO passwords?

I can't figure out from documentation, it appears that if I issue

switch# config cli password ro test

I need to provide the old password before i can set a new one… what is the correct method to regain access to the switch? I cannot reset nor reboot because, guess what? , no backup and yes, it's a core switch…

Can i create a totally new rw user, say roberto, with

 switch# config cli password rw roberto 


Thank you in advance

Best Answer

If you don't have any password for rw and ro User, there is no other chance than to reboot, get into boot monitor via an Enter when it is asked for, and reformat the flash (dos-format /flash/ I think, may depend on the SW version)

Be aware that there can be other users also, l1, l2, l3, ....

The only user with privilege to change any user's password is rwa!

bset regards SImon