Switch – HP 1920-48 – WebLogin addresses/interfaces


I'm new to this forum and HP's 1920 switching technology.

What I'd like to do is getting a 1920 configured with 2 VLANs (intranet and adminnet), but with WebLoging enabled in only one (adminnet) of them.

So far I configured the 1920 with two port based VLANs and assigned one static adddress to each.
I'm performing the routing between these two VLANs by a seperate firewall which works fine for me.

My problem this in the Web GUI's wizzard in the "Management IP Interface Configure" I can configure one IP address for each VLAN. But, when I changethe "Admin Status" from "Up" to "Down it works for both interfaces instead of just one and I kicked out myself from the WebGUI. How can I get this configuration running using just one of these Management IP Interfaces?

I tried to revoke/change my selection via serial console, "_cmdline-mode on" and "SYS". There are a lot of CLI commands available, but sadly not documentation available on the web. Searched 4 hours now using Google and gave up. Just old ProCurve CLI documentations are available, using "enable" and "config" mode (I know form former times … and from CISCO routers).

But, back to my inital question: How can I configure the 1920 for 2 port based VLANs using only interface in one VLAN for WebLogin?

Any ideas, hints, etc.?

Thanks in advance and greetinx


Best Answer

I'm using HP 1920 switches in a similar setup to yours. As stated by @Ron Maupin you only need a VLAN interface for the VLAN you would like to administer the switch on. Usually this is VLAN 1. Define your VLANs under Network > VLAN (in my case: 1 MGMT VLAN, 2 CUST VLAN, 3 GUEST VLAN) and assign the ports as desired. Under Network > VLAN Interface assign or change the IP address for the management Interface. The factory defaults contain already a VLAN Interface on VLAN 1.