Switch – May frame reordering occur on Ethernet connection through switches/bridges


Assumption for flow:

  • Ethernet connection between two nodes through switches/bridges only

  • Either of:

    • No VLAN (802.1Q) header
    • VLAN having same ID and priority (same PCP, DEI, and VID)

May frame reordering (misordering) then occur, or is it safe to assume that frames for the flow are received in same order as transmitted?

Background for question: I am implementing a hardware module that handles Ethernet frames at L2 level, and I consider whether I can safely assume that frames are not reordered when going from the source to destination through switches/bridges. The network is assumed to be a star topology, thus without loops, so based on this I assume that the comment in "K.3 Frame misordering" below does not apply, since there is no possibility for change of topology through e.g. STP/RSTP.

Standard information: From "802.1D-2004 Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges":

6.3.3 Frame misordering

The MAC Service (9.2 of ISO/IEC 15802-1) permits a negligible rate
of reordering of frames with a given user priority for a given
combination of destination address and source address.

K.3 Frame misordering

A change in the active topology between two communicating end
stations can result in frame misordering, as a frame sent after
reconfiguration can experience a lower transit delay, being
queued at fewer Bridge Ports or for less time.

Best Answer

Sequential delivery of frames is considered a hard invariant. This means that in any properly working network, the frames should always be delivered in the order they are received.

When you get above L2, this is not always the case as packets can be received out of order. However if you do tunnel L2 traffic over L3, then the process ideally should account for making sure that sequential delivery of the frames is enforced even if the packets are received out of order. In practice this is often not the case.

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