Switch – Netgear GS724Tv4 one port connected to multiple VLANs


I have hit a bit of a snag when setting up a series of VLANs, I am trying to have one PC that is able to access multiple VLANs, but at the same time not having the different VLANs being connected.

The switch in question is a Netgear GS724Tv4.

To simplify my setup I have three computers, connected to port 1, 2 and 3.
What I wish to achieve is two VLANs (+ default);

VLAN1 (default) = Computer 1  
VLAN4 = Computer 1 and 2
VLAN5 = Computer 1 and 3

I am trying to communicate with both computer 2 and 3 from Computer 1, but limiting 2 and 3 to not see each other.

Here is an image of the Port PVID Configuration of the switch, were you can see the port VLAN membership as well;

PVID Configuration

I am currently trying to send a ping-request from Computer 1 to either Computer 2 or 3, but am getting Request timed out.

If I bypass the switch and connect the devices directly I get a response from the ping. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

My IP configuration is;

Computer 1:
Computer 2:
Computer 3:

Best Answer

If the PC1 NIC is VLAN capable you need to configure it (or rather the virtual instances) exactly like its respective uplink port. Each VLAN is a distinct subnet and requires an IP address from that subnet.

If you want VLANs 4 and 5 to be private for PC1+PC2 and PC1+PC3 you'd connect PC2 to a VLAN 4 untagged port, PC3 to a VLAN 5 untagged port and PC1 to a port with VLAN 1 untagged, VLAN 4 tagged, and VLAN 5 tagged.

If the PC1 NIC isn't VLAN capable you can only connect it to a single subnet. You'll need to add NICs for the other VLANs subnets.