Switch – Netgear GS748Tv3 associate ports to vlans


I use a Netgear 48-port switch GS748T. I'm trying since yesterday to configure VLANs. So I added different vlans associated with their ID knowing the VLANs type is port-based.

enter image description here

After associating ports such as VLANs and saved my configuration, when I go to the page that allows me to view the MAC address table, I notice that all ports are always associated to the VLAN 1 (default), as you can see in the picture below, while some should be associated with vlan 2, in this example.

enter image description here

How to solve this problem and allow these ports to be associated to the VLAN n°2?

Best Answer

First, you might be experiencing a bug which doesn't show the proper VLANs port membership, so check this out and see if a different browser helps: http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/23841/~/the-vlan-and-lag-configuration-screens-do-not-display-correctly-on-my-switch.

Second, make sure you are adding the VLANs correctly by verifying with the user guide that you have done the required steps properly. You can find the user guide on the GS748T Downloads Page.

If this still isn't working, I would suggest trying 801.q VLANs. The important thing to know when using 802.1q VLANs, is to set each port to "untagged" mode, assign a VLAN, and set the PVID per-port to the same VLAN ID. This should allow you to create separate VLANs on your Netgear switch. Make sure you keep at least one port on VLAN 1 so that you can still connect to the management interface. Of course make sure you have a router that can route between these separate networks, and either connect a port from each VLAN into this router, or create a "tagged" port carrying multiple VLANs to this device.