Unable to Connect to Cisco 2960 Switch via Default Gateway – Fixes


I apologize if this is an easy fix, but I just got a used 2960 series S switch and am unable to connect to it through the default gateway. I am using a straight-through, RJ-45 connector ethernet cable with DHCP enabled. I power on the switch and wait till the POST finishes before connecting the ethernet cable, and then wait until the light above the port starts blinking green, afterwards I hold down the mode button until all the lights turn a solid green (to enter into express setup.) When I try to go to the default gateway ( according to the online documentation) my browser (chrome) says that the site can't be reached. When I type ipconfig into the command line, the line which lists the default gateway is empty. Some of the things I have tried are:

  • Connecting from both Windows 10 and Fedora 23 (with DHCP enabled on both.)
    • Connecting from both my laptop and my desktop.
    • Using a different ethernet cable (still RJ-45 straight-through.)
    • Using different ports on the switch (I started with port 1 but have tried several others.)
    • Factory reset the switch by holding down the mode button until the device cycles through POST again.
    • Attempted to SSH into the switch using PUTTY on address

I hope I have given enough information, I am new to networking so if there is anything else I can provide just let me know.

Edit: I am using a Lenovo Z400 touch laptop to connect to the switch with a RealTek PCIe Family Controller for the ethernet.

Best Answer

You will need to log on to the switch via console cable (light blue with a serial port on one end and an rj45 on the other end- you can buy USB adaptors for it if you don't have a serial port on your PC/Laptop). In my experience you when you first start a fresh install/config of a device you will have to set SSH access through the line vty transport input telnet/ssh command. You will also need to create and open a VLAN, assign that an IP address then 'noshut' an interface, chuck it in a VLAN. You can connect a cable to that that port and then connect via putty using ssh to the switch using the IP address you assigned the VLAN. Hope this helps.