VLAN and Subnet – Relationship with 2 Offices Sharing a Switch


I appreciate there is an answer here already. As well as reading this and seeing this video I am still slightly confused…

If a company has 2 offices (on the same floor in close proximity of each other)
Office one (Marketing) and office two (Finance) both have 5 computers and share 1 switch.

I understand I can set up a VLAN to separate traffic for the 2 departments so each dept only receives 'their' own packets.

What I still don't understand is subnetting –
If I setup a subnet of on that switch does that mean the IP address for each dept is different? E.g. 192.168.1.x = Marketing Computers & 192.168.2.x = Finance Computers

OR as the subnet is set-up on the switch the 3rd octet of the IP address of both offices will be the same?

Will 2 separate switches be better?

Best Answer

You may be confusing things. With a switch, only the host for which a packet is destined will receive that packet. Switches know nothing about layer-3 (IP packets). The packets are encapsulated inside layer-2 frames when sent to a switch.

A switch is a layer-2 device, and it switches layer-2 frames based on the layer-2 (MAC address). The switch will learn the MAC address of each host, and to which port each host is connected. It will deliver a frame to the port on which the destination host is connected. The only frames which are delivered to all ports are the frames for which the switch doesn't know the port (it learns every time a host sends a frame), or broadcast frames (a switch, or multiple switches connected to each other, with a single VLAN is a single broadcast domain), which ARP uses to resolve the layer-3 (IP) address to a layer-2 (MAC) address.

VLANs allow you to break up the broadcast domain. Your small network shouldn't be suffering from excessive broadcasts unless there is a malfunctioning host. If a host on one VLAN needs to contact a host on a different VLAN is must go through a router. Routers switch at layer-3 (IP packets) between different networks.

As far as subnetting, you should read this answer, which has everything you need to know about that.

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