VLAN Routing and LACP on Procurve and VMware


I am trying to understand why this doesn't seem to work as I am thinking it should.
I am in the middle of implementing VLAN in order to seclude different traffics such as voice, server, workstations… and I am still trying to understand how the un/tagging works

Here is the setup:

  • ESX Server on Dell SW with default VLAN 1 – so everything is untagged
    in VLAN 1 I have an LACP using p17-18

  • HP Procurve Server SW with default VLAN 1 – again everything is untagged in VLAN 1 I also have an LACP. the LACP status is active and
    good. the LACP trunk is in VLAN 1. I have a trunk to the Core switch
    below aka Trk1, this Trk1 is in VLAN 1.

  • HP procurve Core SW with default VLAN 1 – all is untagged in VLAN 1 I have a trunk to the server switch above aka Trk1, this Trk1 is in
    VLAN1. VLAN has a DHCP, through IP helpers.

My issue:
Setting up a vSwitch in ESX not using tagging, everything works fine.
Seeting up a vSwitch in ESX using tagging (here VLAN1), I loss connectivity to/from that VM.

I imagined that the explicit tagging of that virtual switch would not impact anything, but somehow it does and I do not understand why.

Did I miss something obvious?

Best Answer

this behaviour is because you begin to tag frames from the vSwitch and the Switch HP procurve Core SW is not tagging VLAN 1, this is usual because VLAN 1 is most frequently the default VLAN or Native VLAN. In most environments this VLAN is not tagging.

To make this work right:

1)you must untagged VLAN 1 in the vSwitch, and tag all the others VLAN that you want to create.

2) other option: you can tag VLAN 1 in your vSwitch and in the HP procurve Core SW.

I would prefer first option, but its matter of taste.

I Hope Helps!