Switch – VLANs and IP addressing

hpip addresssubnetswitchvlan

I have been tasked with setting up some VLANs on 10 HP 2520 switches. This is a departure from my normal IT support area so thought I'd seek out a little advice from more knowledgable people.

These switches are being deployed in a new building on site and will connect into the existing site infrastructure.

So… I need to setup the following VLANs:

Vlan ID: VLAN 53
Ports: 17-20
Description: SVR
Device IP Range: –

Vlan ID: VLAN 54
Ports: 1-16
Description: CAM
Device IP Range: –

Vlan ID: VLAN 55
Ports: 21-24
Description: DESK
Device IP Range: –

I've had a play around with the configurations and these are the commands I believe i need to use to create a VLAN on each of the switches.

Step 1: Create the VLANs

 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 530 name "SVR"
 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 540 name "CAM"
 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 550 name "DESK"

Step 2: Allocate ports to VLANs

 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 53
 HP-Switch(vlan-53)#untagged 17-20
 HP-Switch(vlan-53)#tagged 48 

 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 54
 HP-Switch(vlan-54)#untagged 1-16
 HP-Switch(vlan-54)#tagged 48 

 HP-Switch(Config)#Vlan 55
 HP-Switch(vlan-55)#untagged 21-24
 HP-Switch(vlan-55)#tagged 48 

So that should have made the 3 VLANs on specific ports all routing via the tagged port 48.

What I cant understand is how I allocate the IP addresses. I had thought I could use the following command to tell the VLAN what IP range to use but it just comes up saying Bad IP

 HP-Switch(vlan-53)# ip address

If i change it to 130.1/24 then the switch is allocated the .1 address meaning I'd have to setup an IP for each of the 10 switches for each of the VLANs meaning there would in effect be 4 managment IPs for each switch.

Do i even need to assign an IP range to the VLAN? The IP addresses are allocated to specific MAc addresses by the existing DHCP servers.


An update to this question.

I have configures one of the VLANS as:

Vlan 55
name "DESK"
untagged 20-22
tagged 27
no ip address

But the onsite IT are saying they dont see any packets tagged as VLAN 55.

The setup is that there are 3 switches in a 'control room' 2xHP 2510 and 1xHP 2920. What I've been told is the 10 x HP 2520 switches I need to configure are connected via fibre to these switches. The 2510's have 4 fibre connections each and the 2920 has the other 2 (making the 10 connections). these switches then connect (via Cat5e) to the main network/switches (called 'NET1) that we have no control over.

My question now is, do i need to setup any configuration on these switches in order to pass the tagged packets or should the switch just pass them on with the tag (as added by the 'tagged 27' port)?

Best Answer

The HP 2520 is a layer 2 switch: all you can do with it is bridge the individual VLANs tagged on port 48. Then, as long as what is at the other end of it has the right VLANs, gateway addresses and routing set up, all should be fine.

Update: any intermediate switches will also need the VLANs present: tagged on both the uplink and downlink ports.

You do not need to worry about IP ranges.

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